Leadership coaching

Safety through strong leadership

An organisational culture that prioritises safety is nearly unattainable without the support and dedication of strong leaders. The complexities of leadership, however, should not be underestimated, nor should the intricacies of ensuring safety throughout an organisation. Enlisting the help of specialists in both areas benefits companies by identifying blind spots and strengthening leaders’ skills to ultimately change organisational safety culture for the better.

Our coaches specialise in coaching leaders to become the agents of change in their organisations, introducing and embedding new thinking patterns and behaviours that transform company culture. Through customised coaching programs with our coaching staff, leaders gain new insight and understanding of how they can influence safety culture as well as the skills that enable their organiszation to achieve excellent performance outcomes in the areas of safety, quality and reliability.

Your Benefits

  • Leaders with the skills to leverage their influence for safety gains
  • Lasting changes in behaviours that impact safety outcomes
  • Enhanced performance in safety, quality and reliability

Our Approach

Our leadership safety coaches work on a 1:1 basis with organisation leaders, challenging them to influence the whole workforce through their own attitudes, beliefs and demonstrable behaviours.
We have a variety of methods and approaches to draw on during our coaching sessions that can be implemented singly or in combination, and which can be adapted according to the needs of our clients. These include:
  • Leadership coaching after our Leadership Diagnostic Instrument (LDI): Coaching is structured around the results of leaders’ individual LDI, which is a reliable assessment tool to help clients understand and develop their leadership performance. The LDI provides a detailed picture of the current and desired status, which the coach and client use to plan a developmental journey.
  • Leadership coaching after our Leader Care Profile (LCP): Coaching is designed based on the results of this tool, which was created to improve safety leadership and promote authentic leadership.
  • Leadership coaching after our Leader Team Care Map (LTCM): Coaching takes its cue from this tool that asks a leadership team to evaluate themselves.
  • Leadership coaching after observations from one of our assessments, e.g. Culture of Care Diagnostic or Organisational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI): Coaching is based on these tools that combine surveys, observation, interviews and focus groups to form a picture of the current realities and the aspirations of an organisation and its leaders.
  • Leadership coaching without prior assessment: we use standardised coaching practices to strengthen leaders’ existing competencies applying the GROW model.
We view the development of effective, lasting leadership skills capable of inspiring cultural change as a journey, with our behavioural coaches in a supporting role.
Our leadership database allows participants to compare their performance with others, promoting transparency and a deeper understanding of how safety leadership influences organisational culture.
No matter what combination of specific tools or approaches we use to customise our safety leadership coaching, the end goal is the same: improving leadership skills in order to improve organisational culture.


  • We are committed to supporting organisational change with a holistic approach.
  • We have the tools and expertise to track clients’ progress and outcomes using objective measurement techniques.
  • We specialise in empowering leaders to collaborate on their own evolution and to take responsibility for the practical approaches that result in sustainable cultural change.