GRI Report Verification

Transparency through external verification of corporate sustainability reporting

When disclosing sustainability information regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts and results, business leaders depend on reliable reporting independently verified by experts in the field to confidently communicate proven performance.

DEKRA conducts comprehensive auditing services to verify statements documented in the sustainability report are accurate and true. Stand out from the competition, strengthen stakeholder trust and showcase your commitment to sustainability leadership with transparent reporting verified to recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Do you want to learn more about our GRI verification services? Get in touch with our experts today!
Advantages of Verified Sustainability Reporting
  • Prove the integrity of your sustainability data with independent assurance
  • Enhance stakeholder confidence and demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accountability
  • Adhere to GRI guidelines and recognized standards to ensure that your sustainability report aligns with the globally recognized reporting framework
  • Ensure your reported information is robust, reliable and meets the highest standards of sustainability reporting with comprehensive examination and verification
  • Gain competitive edge by proactively addressing ESG issues as sustainability becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape
GRI Verification by DEKRA: Boost Sustainability Leadership
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard for sustainability reporting, provides organisations around the world with a framework to accurately measure and objectively communicate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. Verification of your sustainability report according to GRI guidelines can help you distinguish your company as a leader in sustainable development, foster trust among stakeholders and set you apart from competitors. DEKRA conducts comprehensive GRI verification services designed to warrant accurate and objective reporting, ensure standard compliance and boost confidence in your brand.
Our Approach
Throughout the verification process, our experts support you in complying with external standards, reaching your individual sustainability goals and cultivating a lasting environmentally and socially conscious mindset. We examine how information is collected, analysed and presented to provide a thorough assessment of your sustainability reporting confirming strengths and identifying areas in need of improvement.
Report Criteria
Because our verification process is structured to reflect the criteria central to sustainability reporting, the information provided in the report must be:
  • Comprehensive: include all data related to social or environmental performance
  • Accurate: utilise robust data suitable for planning and decision making
  • Objective: present data in a balanced manner free from bias
  • Appropriate for comparison: useful for comparison over time or between organisations
In addition, the organisation should establish mechanisms for eliciting and responding to stakeholder feedback regarding the contents of the Corporate Sustainability Report.
  • We bring a fresh, unbiased expert perspective to independently and reliably verify your corporate sustainability reporting.
  • We have a global network of experienced specialists with comprehensive knowledge of relevant international and local regulations.
  • We specialise in helping companies optimise and effectively report on their environmental and social performance.