DEKRA Action Plan COVID-19
Since January 2020 DEKRA has been implementing measures at group level to prevent and contain COVID-19 infection.
In the following DEKRA will inform you about the measures in the action plan that have been taken to protect the health of DEKRA employees, to protect the employees of contractual partners and customers and to ensure the continuity of business:
- Worldwide information about the current developments of COVID-19 on the German intranet and via the internal international communication platform DEKRA Connect. Our travel safety service provider provides DEKRA with regularly updated information on the risk situation for this purpose. In addition, the information and instructions for action are regularly sent to all managers.
- DEKRA has set up a task force at group level. In regular meetings the participants (Board of Management, Works Council, HR, EHS, Group Medical Officer, IT, Group Communications) analyse current events and reports with regard to their relevance for DEKRA. Updates and resolved measures are communicated transparently to the employees.
- Further measures that have been taken:
- Travel ban in the risk areas (declared by the Robert Koch Institute, Germany.)
- Returning employees from risk areas will be allowed to work mobile from home for 14 days.
- Recommendation to postpone unnecessary travel to a later date.
- Recommendation to avoid large crowds of people (e.g. trade fair visits in an international environment).
- Recommendation to use web conferences as far as possible for internal cross-border meetings.
- Posting of hygiene instructions in sanitary rooms and worldwide dissemination of this information.
- Worldwide employee instructions by the responsible managers on behavior and procedures in case of suspected COVID-19 cases, including the reporting chain.
- Initiation of IT precautions to be able to maintain operations outside the business premises. A large number of employees (especially key employees and employees in service production) have laptops, service mobile phones & access via VPN channel
All employees have been informed that DEKRA follows the official information of the WHO and the Robert Koch Institute. Employees were called upon to obtain regular information via the internal information platforms. In DEKRA's own information platforms there are links to official international sites of selectedhealth authorities.