DEKRA provides measurement and analytics / deadline is June 18, 2021
Deadline for chromium (VI) draws closer
The deadlines for the authorisation decision regarding the further use of chromium trioxide (chromium (VI) oxide) are shortly going to expire. Companies that continue to use chromium (VI) must have carried out the required measurements by June 18, 2021, remind the hazardous substance experts from the DEKRA test site. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) requires the measurement results for the authoristion decisions by the end of this year.
In 2013, chromium trioxide (chromium (VI) oxide) was included in the authorization list of the REACH regulation due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic characteristics as a hazardous substance. The substance is mainly used in treating surfaces – to increase corrosion protection or to produce more attractive surfaces.
The electroplating industry is directly affected by the substance ban and industrial sectors that use chromium (VI), such as mechanical engineering, are indirectly affected. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) can approve further use under certain conditions. For example, if chromium (VI) cannot easily be substituted out.
Companies that want to continue using chromium (VI) in a pure form or in mixtures up until September 21, 2024 must carry out an exposure measurement for their application for authorisation. The measurements include, for example, exposure values at the workplaces, in wastewater or emissions into the environment. These measurements must be carried out by June 18, 2021; the measurement results must be sent to the ECHA by December 18, 2021.
These exposure measurements must be repeated annually during the approved further operation. DEKRA provides many years of experience for the measurements with its accredited test site for hazardous substances (according to Section 7(10) of the German Hazardous Substance Ordinance (GefStoffV)) and the environment (according to Sections 26, 29b of the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)) and provides reliable analytics with its accredited laboratory.