Finance Renewals - Network Coaching

Introduce and monitor structured processes to ensure that dealers keep in regular contact with customers in order to capture the earliest opportunity to retain/renew finance agreements

Why Finance Renewals Coaching?

Most customers do not wait until the end of their contract to change; many customers start to consider renewal within the first two years of a contract

Your benefits:

  • Dealer coaching programme, resulting in more regular & structured customer contact
  • Customers feel more connected
  • Bring a structured approach across a network, using common tools and strategies
  • Leaving the renewal call until last 6 months is too late
  • Majority of customers renew at around 24 months
  • Give visibility and assurance on results

Our services:

  • Help dealers to identify the potential within their ‘live book’
  • Create a structured approach for early and then regular customer contact
  • Demonstrate best practice
  • In-Dealer Coaching
  • Online Coaching


  • Retained by premium brand for over 4 years
  • DEKRA’s online tool loaded with action plans, reports and an encyclopedia of best practice from brand & industry
  • Regular on-site visit schedule from certified field coaches
  • Frequent bursts of convenient and timely online coaching to support progress and embed learning
  • Results/tracking/reports compiled at national level and available to all stakeholders (hierarchical access)