Induction Plus™

Pre-Mobilization Workforce Safety Training

Induction Plus™ is a training workshop designed to prepare employees at the start of induction required projects. It highlights safety expectations and educates participants on how risk perception varies among individuals.


The key objectives of the pre-mobilization workforce safety training include:
  • Understanding risk perception and how individuals bring their own assumptions to risk awareness
  • Using case study analysis to reinforce hazard awareness by linking client rules to behaviors that make workers safe
  • Planning what individuals need, and what processes ensure safety by visualizing the “perfect day” and minimizing human error
  • Making a commitment to take action
Induction Plus™ is a training workshop designed to prepare employees at the start of induction required projects. It highlights safety expectations and educates participants on how risk perception varies among individuals.
The workshop balances information regarding on-site safety rules with an approach to compliance that emphasizes workforce contributions to a safe work environment. In addition to the usual induction, participants attain increased motivation.


New starts/anyone going through an induction/anyone working on the project


4 Hours


Risk Perception Awareness of how individuals bring their own assumptions to risk. A short video clip helps develop thinking within the theory of “Personal Probability of Risk Perception”.
Case Studies Using case studies, participants link the safety rules to behaviors that keep themselves and others safe.
The “Perfect Day” Using visualization, delegates explore the components of a “perfect day” and consider how they would plan to be safe.
Commitment to Action Participants use the information from the workshop to commit to actions that they can start doing, continue doing and stop doing to ensure the work environment is safe for all.
This safety training is delivered by experienced trainers and is highly interactive, with practice sessions, reflective time and action planning. The expectation is that all delegates fully participate, contribute to discussions and generate output.
DEKRA Organizational Reliability is a behavioral change consultancy. Working in collaboration with our clients, our approach is to influence the safety culture with the aim of 'making a difference for the better'. We deliver the skills, methods, and motivation to change leadership attitudes, behaviors and decision making among employees. Measurable, sustainable improvement of safety outcomes is our goal.