DEKRA Process Safety Instruments
Process Safety Instruments

Practical, technical support and the highest standards of quality, dependability and accuracy.

Process Safety Instruments

At DEKRA, we know you rely on the very best instrumentation; from BAM Fallhammers to Carius Tubes, MIE Apparatus to Resistivity Equipment, all are backed by our practical, technical support and the highest standards of quality, dependability and accuracy. Our Testing Laboratories regularly employ our equipment, ensuring it retains its full technical application and reliability for all your testing needs; our full range of laboratory instruments can found in the brochure below, and we are always available to discuss your requirements.
We have tens of thousands of hours experience in providing process safety solutions for our clients; which includes manufacturing companies in the fine chemicals/pharmaceutical, bulk organics, food stuffs, paints, resins/plastics, dyestuffs, pigments, agrochemicals, soaps/detergents, oil/petrochemicals and the legal and insurance sectors.
Expert advice, guidance and support is only a call or email away.

Custom Apparatus

We appreciate that sometimes standard spec equipment isn't enough; whether you need an alteration on a piece of equipment we already manufacture, or something completely customised, our experienced engineers are always happy to find a solution that meets your exact needs - examples of some of our must recent custom-made instrustments include:
  • CTL20 Flammable Range Test Apparatus - Determines lower and upper concentration limits of flammability of chemicals having sufficient vapour pressure to form flammable mixtures in air.
  • CTL30 Gas Probe Incendivity & Calibration Apparatus - To determine if incendive discharges can be developed from plant equipment or items which are capable of igniting highly flammable gases, e.g. propane or hydrogen.
  • CTL32 Powder Chargeability Test Apparatus - For measurement of a material's propensity to generate charge.
  • CTL44 Electric Spark Tester - Meets the Energetic Materials Testing & Assessment Policy Committee‘s (Defence Ordnance Group) Manual of Tests (EMTAP)* (* DEKRA manufacture the apparatus required for the initial screeing test (i.e test no.6). Test samples are subjected to discharges of 4.5 J, 0.45 J or 0.045 J energy.)
  • CTL52 Flammability of Gases Test A11 Screening Apparatus - For conducting the A11 EC physical properties tests.
Contact us today and see why DEKRA is acknowledged by our peers as The Global Experts in Process Safety.

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