Serious Injuries and Fatalities Consultancy

Identifying risk to effectively minimize Serious Injuries and Fatalities potential

It’s unlikely you will find an organization that doesn’t want to prevent serious injuries or fatalities (SIF) at their work site(s). Many organizations have been focusing on the goal of zero incidents or injuries. In the past it was suggested that by reducing minor injuries, thus focusing on the causes of minor injuries, will reduce or even prevent serious injuries and fatalities. This resulted in safety efforts such as changes to safety management systems, employee training and expenditures on facility maintenance.

When looking at the data over the last few years, the incident rate for minor injuries such as first aid cases has been reduced, however the SIF incidence rates remain unchanged or in some cases have increased. This suggests the original theory of focusing on the causes of minor injuries to prevent the serious ones, may be flawed.
Our SIF consultancy process helps decision makers at an organization to think differently about how they are reducing and ultimately preventing SIF’s occurring at their work site(s).

Your Benefits

  • A new, more effective way of thinking about SIF prevention among decision makers
  • A targeted, customized approach to SIF reduction in your company
  • A reduction or elimination of SIFs in your organization

Our Approach

We will work with leaders within an organization to design their own process of identifying where they may have a SIF potential.
One of our experienced consultants will facilitate workshops with the aim of:
  • Creating metrics which accurately identify where SIF potentials may be using accurate data which identify “weak signals”.
  • Customizing aspects of the investigation processes (e.g. decision tree criteria) to help identify correctly SIF potentials.
  • Increasing awareness and recognition of high potential exposures by educating leaders and workers on the exposures present at their worksite(s).
Our approach can be split into two phases:
  • Phase 1 includes (but not limited to):
    • Creation of a SIF decision-tree and a database of contributing behaviors specific to your organization.
    • Training to educate people within your organization on SIF exposures and importance of identifying them.
    • Development of an implementation strategy.
  • Phase 2 includes (but is not limited to):
    • Support to implement the strategy defined in phase 1.


  • We are unrivalled in providing services aimed at optimizing safety and identifying “weak signals” within an organization.
  • We have research-based know-how that makes us uniquely equipped to identify your organization’s blind spots when it comes to handling SIF exposure.
  • We specialize in providing a SIF consultancy process to support company leaders responsible for health, safety and operations, so that they can target the greatest dangers on their work site(s).