Values & Visioning Workshop

Developing a Set of Values and a Vision

An organisation’s vision and values are a set of expectations and standards, which express an organisation’s culture. They are an expression of intent and expectation of oneself and of the culture informing behaviors and how decisions are made. This workshop assists your organisation in developing a set of values and a vision using the principles authentic leadership. The workshop can help you refine and revise the vision and values you already have in place or assist you in framing new ones. Alternatively, we facilitate the creation of a specific vision and values for individual projects.


Based on the principles of authentic leadership by Bill George, leaders develop a charter stating their commitment, as well as their expectations of themselves and their employees. There are 5 principles, or dimensions, with corresponding, observable characteristics:
Purpose & passion
  • Leaders should have a single sense of purpose that they are able to communicate and demonstrate with passion.
Values & behaviour
  • Leaders know what is important to them and don’t deviate from this. These values can be seen in how leaders behave.
Relationships & connectedness
  • How leaders maintain connections with their followers, but also each other.
Self-discipline & consistency
  • This is rooted in emotional intelligence and requires leaders to be self-aware and self-managing. Leaders show a determination and remain consistent in different situations.
Heart & compassion
  • A leader that shows that they care.
The workshop starts with an introduction to the theory around the importance of establishing a vision and values set and how they become embedded into company culture. The remainder of the workshop is dedicated to facilitated brainstorming that concludes with the creation of your own vision and values.


Senior Leadership


1 Day
WelcomeIdeally a member of the senior leadership team welcomes participants and addresses why they are here and why it is important to them personally.
What is an Authentic Leader?What are the attributes, skills and characteristics of an authentic leader?

What does this look like in terms of behavior?

What does this sound like in language?

An authentic leader is able to lead as their best self. They have the ability to generate followers, and this can be measured by ‘discretionary effort’. What will your teams do when you are not there? We refer to this as ‘felt leadership’. Teams and individuals feel led even when their supervisor isn’t present. Teams perform well because they want to rather than because they have to, and this is because of who you are and not what you are.
CharterYou are guided through each of the five dimensions of authentic leadership to create a charter: purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline and heart. As a commitment, the behavior exhibited for each dimension begins, “I will..... ”. The final wording will be agreed by the delegates as their commitment.
Research shows that authentic leadership is key in creating a healthy organisational culture, including effective safety policy and practice. Our leadership training focuses on helping leaders develop the skills and tools that inspire trust and develop integrity. Being true to a vision and set of values is one way an organization’s leadership can create sustainable positive change when it comes to safety behaviors.
DEKRA Organisational Reliability is a behavioral change consultancy. Working in collaboration with our clients, our approach is to influence the safety culture with the aim of 'making a difference for the better'. We deliver the skills, methods, and motivation to change leadership attitudes, behaviors and decision making among employees. Measurable, sustainable improvement of safety outcomes is our goal.